Insights so good your stakeholders keep coming back for more and get you that seat at the table.
How we do it

Working with us

Drive change with high-impact research.

At Two Cents, we take the load off of busy teams with our done-for-you expert insights solutions.

Looking for coaching?

Fueling winning teams with custom research, training, and coaching at:

End-to-end research done refreshingly fast.
A cutting edge partner who speaks your business's language.
Deliverables that are as impactful as they are visually stunning.

How we help

You need customer insights to grow your business... but your team's swamped, you're strapped for time, and your budget is tight.

You’ve been tasked with a new round of projects that need to be completed - yesterday. Normally, you love a good challenge, but there’s a problem:

You are already maxed out

Time is limited

Resources are scarce

Stakeholders are impatient

There’s pressure to provide fresh new insights

The last external research agency you used delivered a certified bundle of “water is wet” insights (despite their delayed delivery and gold-tier price tag)

You are starting to worry if it’s even possible to deliver the high-quality insights that your team, stakeholders, and company needs with the cards you’ve been dealt.

Meanwhile, you’re trying to figure out how to stand out as a high performer. 

We get it, and we want to help.

The problem

Insights so good your stakeholders keep coming back for more and get you that seat at the table.

Think of us as your fractional research partner.

We’ll do the heavy lifting where you need us, and step out of the spotlight because you need your time to shine.

We want your team to win.

Need us to knock out an end-to-end research project, and provide a beautiful, on-brand insights deck? Got it.

Have a bunch of data that needs to be sorted with new actionable insights? Absolutely.

Want us to help you create a strategic roadmap for the next quarter so that we can blast through your research goals? Let’s do this.

Ready for that promo, but need some insider knowledge on exactly how to get there? We’ve got you.

Here’s the deal - we care about your success. We want you and your team to win big and look good while doing it.

Ready to see how we can help? Drop us a line at

Working with us

Edwin Wong smiling, wearing glasses, a suit, and a tie. He has a shaved head and a pin on his lapel.
“Stephanie, with her Two Cents collective, is the perfect example of a fractional data executive. She knows our space so well, she becomes an instant extension to our team and output. She will naturally become a part of the important things any company or individual leader is trying to accomplish.”
Edwin Wong smiling, wearing glasses, a suit, and a tie. He has a shaved head and a pin on his lapel.

Edwin Wong

SVP Insights, Research & Innovation at Vox Media

Maggie Howley smiling with her long, blonde curly hair, wearing a blue, sleeveless denim dress
“Among the leaders across my career, Stephanie distinctly stands out. Diligently prepared, fastidiously organized, accessibly articulate, relentlessly curious, and fiercely proud of her team. Stephanie... makes giving and receiving feedback feel like a gift.”
Maggie Howley smiling with her long, blonde curly hair, wearing a blue, sleeveless denim dress

Maggie Howley

Research Lead at Nextdoor

Smiling Sonam Mahawar, wearing a white dress standing in broad daylight, an umbrella and hollow blocks wall at the background.
“Stephanie is best-in-class when it comes to guiding researchers on how to drive true business impact. She helped me unlock my own superpower of creativity in my research, helped drive clarity in my communication, and ultimately helped me deliver insights to my stakeholders that drove the business in a positive direction.”
Smiling Sonam Mahawar, wearing a white dress standing in broad daylight, an umbrella and hollow blocks wall at the background.

Sonam Mahawar

Sr. User Researcher at Pinterest

What folks are saying

A pie chart with three segments, the upper left is colored purple while the other two are gray.
Know Your Customer

Wondering who your customers really are? We’ll uncover hidden needs, wants, and pain points through in-depth interviews, group sessions, and in-home research.

A pie chart with three segments, the upper right is colored purple while the other two are gray.
Understand Your Market

Need to understand external views? We’ll measure brand and competitor perception, market trends and purchase intent with end-to-end surveys and tracking.

A pie chart with three segments, the base is colored purple while the other two are gray.
Uncover Insights Opportunities

Feeling lost in your data? We bridge the gap. We analyze past research, internal data, and stakeholder insights to deliver a clear picture of what you know, what you don't, and what matters most.

A pie chart with three segments, the upper left has the lightest purple shade, the upper right darker, and the base has the darkest shade.
Your fractional insights team

A one-stop-shop for your insights needs. Our research capabilities are expansive, backed by a seasoned collective of experts.

Our research capabilities

Reach Out To Us Here

Just drop us a line (seriously, a quick note is all it takes). We'll hop on a call to chat about your goals and whip up a custom research plan that'll get you there, faster than you can say "growth strategy."

Kickstart Our Collaboration

Once we’re on the same page, we’ll move quickly with your internal teams—Procurement, Finance, Legal – to get started. We've got years of experience handling vendor onboarding, so you can focus on other things.

Research In Motion

This is the fun part! We'll handle the surveys, interviews, analyses, stakeholder conversations, and more—taking the load off your team. From kickoff to delivering beautifully designed results, we’ve got you covered.

Ready to take the first step?

Interested? Next steps.

Why work with Two Cents?

Maybe you’ve been burned by an external research agency. Subpar output and unreliability have cost you time and money and it can feel like a leap of faith to trust a new research partner.

We’re deeply familiar with these frustrations.

During our time working in Big Tech, we worked with a wide range of research agencies where we felt unseen and uncared for - despite our big spends.

At Two Cents, we wanted to do things differently. We’re committed to making YOUR project a priority. We’re also committed to making YOU look like a rockstar in the process.

Research is about the humans behind it after all.

We’re committed to better, faster, and more cost-effective research that is easy to understand and beautifully delivered for impact.

We produce research that influences decisions.

When you’re ready, we’d love to help you experience a different type of research partner.

About us

Wondering what your customers REALLY think, but don’t have the time?

We'll be your strategic research partner, freeing you to focus on what matters most - maximizing your influence and growing your business.